Building a 375 liter fishtank, DiaryDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day5 Day 6 Day6Fish Day 7 This will be a very poor day on pictures. All i have to do is fill with water and add some of the miraclethingy called Easylife and then wait 24 hours At least both pumps are working and none of them are making a sound (Yes they are working, not quiet because they arent plugged in *G*) Adding some plants some only temporary. it is the plan to only have plants belonging to the african biotope in the end The tank as is now
Mini-valisneria also called sagetaria
Ordinary valisneria as background plants
Hope fully the cave entrance will be more overgrown in the future
Left side is somewhat understocked with plants, here a anubias as the only plant in the left third of tank: