My biggest tank
Its a 530 literolder akvastabil with the measurements 160x60x55 (cm)Hardware: 2x80 Watt T5 Lights 1 external canister pump AM-Top 3338 1 Powerhead with sponge Aquaclear 802 (Will become a tunze when i can afford it) 300 Watt Jäger heater Decor: Pangea flatrock background 4 Oda caves 28 Kilo Kenya rock 50+ kilo danish granite collected from the garden Fish: 1,2 Metriaclima Lombardoi 1,1 Metriaclima Aurora 2,5 Metriaclima Estherae 2,2 Melanochromis Auratus 1,5 Pseudotropheus Saulosi 4,4 Pseudotropheus sp. Elongatus Mbamba 7 Pseudotropeus sp. Acei 2 Labichromis Caeruleus 2,1 Cynotilapia sp. Lions Cove 2,4 Labeotropheus trewavasae Plants: Vallisneria Gigantea Cryptocorynes Anubias